Seksualiti Merdeka adalah suatu acara tahunan mengenai hak seksualiti yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur, dengan kerjasama segabungan NGO Malaysia (di antaranya Malaysian Bar Council, SUARAM, Empower, PT Foundation, United Nations, Amnesty International) dan individu-individu. Kami mengadakan bengkel-bengkel, perbincangan, pemutaran filem, penulisan surat dan hal-hal yang lain berkaitan seksualiti. Kami menggunakan istilah 'Seksualiti Merdeka' untuk mengingatkan bahawa walaupun kita telah berpuluh tahun Merdeka, namun tidak semua rakyat Malaysia yang dapat melahirkan diri mereka yang sebenar.
Kami percaya bahawa setiap orang di Malaysia berhak untuk bebas dari diskriminasi, keganasan ataupun gangguan hanya kerana orientasi seksual dan identiti jantina mereka. Kami percaya bahawa kita semua berhak untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap tubuh kita sendiri. Kami percaya setiap orang berhak untuk menyayangi dan disayangi, sama ada dia gay, lesbian, biseksual, transgender, heteroseksual, aseksual, pansexual dan sebagainya.
PS: LGBT = Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender!
Eh hello! Ini eastern country! Bukan WESTERN! Gilo munggggg...
AT least if you want to claim your rights, no need to do it like this okay.
Even in the States this has become an issue for them,
what more us, the eastern Muslim country!
Okay lah, to be fair, even if we were not a Muslim country,
this IS still an issue!
We have already face a lot of moral problems,
we seriously don't need this.
This is like what? Encouraging Malaysians to commit sexual deviation?
Not like youngsters nowadays can think properly act rationally.
Lagi mau racun pemikiran kitorang ke?
You can have your rights, do it quietly.
We don't always get what we want.
As a Muslim, I personally think this is a big embarrassment
towards Malaysia as a Muslim country
if this rally happens.
Not that I am against nor I support this kind of sexual desire,
but please... to have a rally on this kind of matter,
is just too absurd.
We are still easterners, we're supposed to show the Western people
how to behave as a rational human-being, not to follow them.
Just my two cents of thought.
Let's focus more on how to develop the country
instead of entertaining this crap issue.
And if this happens, later on the drug addicts
also wanna have a rally fighting for your their freedom to have drugs?
Hey I'm just saying.